
Friday, October 14, 2011

Rylee Update

Ok I finally got Tylee to bed and I didn't fall asleep with her so I will try to update a little! Rylee seems to be looking great according to the ultrasounds. The last one we had was Oct 6th.. She was 6lbs 6oz at the time! Very active and the nurse said she was "practice breathing" we saw her little lungs moving, the nurse said this was a great sign of them being developed and strong! I am ready to have her here for sure! But yet I am a little nervous too. Just with having to be in a hospital again and everything. I go see the OB on Tuesday, I was dilated 1 cm this last week, but I have been having contractions the last 2 days, nothing serious or really consistent, but quite a few. Then friday I go see a Pulmonary specialist, the OB wants to have some tests done to make sure there are no residual effects from the ARDS. He wants some assurance that I can handle the labor. I guess I should say we just got a new OB, the one I had seen before going to Utah was who we saw once I got back here also, but he just didn't give Cory or I the confidence we were looking for. He wanted to treat us like a regular pregnancy, and wouldn't even look over the medical information I brought back with me. So we were scared that if something did happen he would not be informed on the whole situation. Cory's work referred us to the Cleveland Clinic and to Dr. Saleh. Who is great! I have had such a peaceful feeling with him (Cory as well) He is experienced and a high risk preg doc. He sat with us and went over what I had gone through and he cared. He kept telling me how lucky I was to be here. He had had similar situations where the outcome was not as well. He feels like things will go great, that I am healthy and this should be a "boring" next few weeks, but at the same time he wants to make sure we are in the right place and have all the tools we may need if there are a few hiccups. So we will be going to a hospital that is a little further away but it will be worth it! Also he is requesting a neo natal specialist to be available when Rylee is born, so that she can have a full exam, and make sure she is ok. I just really like him, it makes the whole scarey situation not so bad! Anyways we have 2.5 weeks left and are so excited to meet our special little girl! She sure is a strong one and we are so grateful for that! I have a few pics from our 3d/4d ultrasound we did last month. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Loves to jump!

Tylee turns 2!

Well I am sure there is a lot I need to put on here to update our crazy life, but I am going to start with Tylee's birthday. It was August 17th, and she had a blast! Cory and I did also lol. She loved the candles on her cake we lit them 4 times I think before she got tired of blowing them out, or maybe she just wanted the cake. She got a trampoline, some clothes, new books, and an alphabet chalkboard/dry erase board thing haha. She was in heaven! The trampoline was all she really wanted to play with, she is getting so big, and brave, she jumps "high" she says. and does "flips." Its so fun to watch her, and it keeps her entertained for quite a while! Tylee is amazing, she is so smart and learns so much each day, she is happy, loving and very active. It has been so fun these last few months watching her change, and grow so much. She now loves to cuddle, and give kisses. Which I love also, I have been so tired its nice to have just want to sit with me.She loves spending time with her daddy, she is always wanting to do whatever he is doing. She seems to be excited about baby Rylee. She is always kissing my tummy and wanting to feel Rylee move. We have been busy getting things ready for Rylee and Tylee seems to enjoy that also. She is such a big helper! She does miss her Grammy and Pa, and family from Utah. She asks me about them almost every day. I am impressed about how much she seems to remember. She always asks where they are and can tie something  to them. Like Aunt Stephy, she wants to go to her house all the time and see Tajeman and Bear. :) And of course Baby Taylor is with Uncle Mike. Sadee is with Grandma Mitchell, and Mille horse is with Pa and Grammy. Its so fun to listen to her talk. She gets her phone and usually calls Grammy, and asks what she is doing and goes on and on we love it! She has also learned mine and Cory's names. I am shocked at how well she says Kemish. I tell Cory she has to call me mom still but its cute when she picks up the phone to call "Kemish" she always looks over at me and gives the cutest smile. She is so full of personality, and attitude! Of course we wouldnt want it any other way!

We are going to Columbus this weekend for an ultrasound for Rylee, we want to make sure everything still seems great. So hopefully we will have some great pics to put up when we get back and can update on her!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Well its a little early but we are way excited and wanted to announce we are expecting another little one! :) Cory and I are very excited, Tylee just says baby (its pretty darn cute) but she really doesn't know what is going on! lol... I am just a couple weeks a long, looks like I will be due Nov 3. (of course that can always change a little )

Anyways we are staying busy here, the weather has really been crazy we had about a week of great weather, Tylee and I made it to the park a couple of times. Then the snow and cold hit us again... Its ok for Tylee and I because we really dont have to go out if we dont want to. But for Cory its a different story! :) But he has a great attitude about it all! He is doing great with school and work and not much sleep, what a good hubby and daddy he is :)  We bought this little shirt for Tylee and put it on her one night and sent her downstairs to see grandpa and grandma Bringhurst. It took them a minute to get it, but they seem excited too!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Our frist night at my Moms house, my nieces Jocilyn, Jaidyn and Jaquelyn were there. Tylee was in heaven! We missed them so much!

Tylee blowing kisses!
She loved Aunt Becky's rocking horse!

Finally she opened a gift haha! What a cute girl!

Grammy and Tylee reading her new book!

Settled down

Well we are back in Ohio Tylee and I came back the 5th of Jan. But things have been so crazy since then! Cory started school on the 10th. So that has kept me busy :) He goes to school early and works late, it feels like Tylee and I never see him, but we both know the end result will be great. I do his homework while he is at work, then go over it with him lol that way he knows what "he did." Christmas was great, we loved being home and enjoying the time with our families! Tylee of course was spoiled for Christmas which was tons of fun for all of us!I have a few pics to put up.--- Tylee seems to be growing up more and more each day! She is so fun, she tries to talk a lot more now. She is getting a few words down really good. We have been watching signing time and she has picked up new words as well as the signs she is so smart! She tells us please and thank-you all the time it is adorable! She can sign a few animals (squirrel, mokey,chicken,dog,cat, mouse, those are all I can think of right now) She is pretty good at asking for what she wants, if she can not say the word she points and says please. When we try to teach her new words she watches us very closely then you can see her try so hard to copy you. Oh she did learn to say stop and go, that is her and Cory's new favorite game in the car! It's go,go, go.. then stop! lol She has the cutest voice :)--I am getting back into the groove of things you could say. It was so nice to be home(utah) and feel carefree haha now its back to reality I guess. Cory and Rory have started working on the basement here, we are trying to get it all framed so we can make Cory, I and Tylee a little "place" to be. We will most likely do 2 bedrooms and like a frontroom/playroom area. It will be nice Tylee and I hang out down here now, its just not quite as comfy as it could be. I like to have a place where she can run around and I don't have to follow her everywhere or worry about what she could get into. It's much more relaxing for me :) That about all to catch us up, Now I can do better!